“Suspend belief.”
Strong and versatile—Pendola’s trademark hammocks are made to optimize your time outside and protect you from the elements. With Pendola’s premium outdoor gear, you’ll be well-prepared and well-rested no matter where you wander.
Brand standard manual included.
The Montezuma Oropendola, is a Central American bird known for how it constructs its nests in a hanging fashion. These expertly weaved nests can withstand winds up to 20 mph, as well as varying amounts of moisture, just like the hammocks they inspire.
Logo + Word Mark
The bird stoically faces West—the same direction the sun sets before each new day. The seven-pointed star symbolizes luck, protection, and the seven days of the week that parallel the Bible’s seven days of creation.
Color Theory: Eureka Sky
The color palette is inspired by the intricately blended sunsets along the California coast. Their tones compliment each other beautifully and add a confidently inviting mood to our products.
Prepared For Anything
We also design specialty products for all outdoor needs including tents, apparel, climbing gear, and even food such as MRE’s and coffee. Our products are designed to maximize comfort, performance, and survival.
Carefully curated photography that matches our color scheme should be prioritized. All donations and charity work must also be easily found/represented next to corresponding products and services.
Outdoor billboards should strategically be located by main highways and areas of commerce. Retaining our color scheme of bright vibrant colors with enough contrast to catch people’s attention should maximize audience exposure and brand recognition.